This has been very helpful in several ways, from accident notifications, weather hazards and warnings, to Amber or Silver alerts. As well as links and phone number info to many other resources like utilities, city services, emergency services, and disaster planning tips.
I really appreciate this app for emergency notifications. However, one little issue has surfaced. I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 and a recent update appears to have offset the icons at the bottom. The icon at far left is barely visible. My sister's LG V35 ThinQ will allow her to install it, but she hasn't ever been able to get the app to work.
Loved this app on my Samsung. Now have an LG ThinQ. It opens with the splash screen but then just a blank, charcoal-colored screen. Unusable.
Live Calls is not updated very well. Calls are not listed on here when fire departments are dispatched. Only NWS is updated. That's what weather app is for.
I have an Android LG V30 and all I get is a blank screen when I open it.
The app will not open. After the main screen loads, there is just a black screen. I have an LG G7 Thinq. Please fix! I loved this app on my old LG phone.
Yes rate this app
New phone Nokia 6.1 Android One phone. App just displays a black screen with no info on it. Uninstalled and reinstalled app 3 times and checked all permissions. Still doesn't work. Android 8.1.0 with August security update. Please fix, app worked fine on my other phone.
I live in an area of Kanawha County prone to flooding. I wish I had known about this app earlier. Wonderful source of information and help.